Sunday, February 24, 2013

2/25/13 - 3/1/13

     Although I love snow and snow days, I feel very ready to be getting back to school.  Maybe it is because we have so much to do before the end of the quarter.  The midquarter grades are posted on SIS, though there are a few students with missing grades in some areas such as stories for writing and flow charts for social studies.  I'll do my best to collect and grade those items as quickly.
Here's what is happening this week:
Math - We didn't get the Evaluate Test in last week, so we will take it tomorrow.  We will also study space figures in geometry.  Because there are only three lessons in Chapter 21, we will not test over them.  Students are still responsible for the information, however.
Writing - We will finalize the business plan paragraph (recopy) and then begin a new story.  I am using prompts because this is what all students will be doing on the language arts portion of the MAP test - write, edit, and recopy a narrative story that they have written.  It is hard to believe a third grader could be expected to do so much for an achievement test, isn't it?
Reading - More main idea and detail!
Science - Physical properties of matter.  We will learn the difference between a mixture and solution and make some of each!
Social Studies - We should come to the end of chapter 9 by the end of the week.  I'm not sure when the test will be due to the snow days.  Please check the planner daily!

Special Events:
Mon. - LIBRARY!  Evaluate test (math);
Tues. - Junior Achievement Class;  Multiplication Quiz;
Wed. - Counselor class;
Thurs. - Prism!
Fri. -  Multiplication Quiz;

Sunday, February 17, 2013

2/18/13 - 2/22/13

     I hope everyone is enjoying the extra day.  I know I am!  Here is what is happening this week.  Be sure to view the Valentine's Day pictures that follow.  We an an extra special party - so much fun for everyone!  Thanks to Mrs. Garrison and all the moms who spent time working on this party. Thank you, too, for all of our wonderful parties this year!

Math:  We will be testing over Ch. 20, lessons 1-4 on Wednesday.  We will then continue with three more geometry lessons over space figures.  Our Evaluate test will take place this week as well.
Writing:  I hope you took time to read the graded stories that came home last week!  So many students are excelling in writing now!  This week we will write a paragraph about our Economics Day business plan and write in our company's name.  Can't wait to hear some of the cool business names!
Reading:  We are trying to master understanding the main idea of what we have read.  This is a very hard skill.  We are practicing finding details to support the main idea.
Science:  Next we will learn about matter and physical changes.  From there we will go into chemical changes.
Social Studies:  Now that our business is on its way, we will learn about the different methods of advertising.  All of this is part of Ch. 9.  We will probably test over this chapter sometime next week.

Important Events:
Tues. - Bring in Prism Projects, Six Flags Reading Logs, and math logs;
Wed. - Evaluate Test; Math test over chapter 20;
Thurs. - Evalute Test continues for those who did not take it on Wednesday;  Prism Fair 4:00 - 6:00;
Fri. - Math fact test.  Everyone should be wrapping up their facts!  If your child isn't there yet, please study daily!
     Pictures of the class opening their valentine mail. We made valentine card holders out of two large hearts.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

2/12/13 - 2/15/13

     Sorry, but this update will be short and sweet!  I only have time to list the important events for the week, so here it goes:
Mon.- Library;  math test Ch. 19;
Tues. - Junior Achievement Kickoff Day with Mrs. Rigdon!  Reading Evaluate Test;
Wed.- Early Release Day (1:40);  Science Test Ch. 11, Lesson 2 (States of Matter)
Thurs. - Valentine's Day Party;  Jump for Heart;  Dress Like a Teacher Day;
Fri. - Bring in your Prism Project so that I can check it!  (Prism will take place on Feb. 21st)
         Multiplication fact test;

Dental Health Assembly!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Feb. 4 - Feb. 8

     Following this week's update are pictures of Abilities Awareness Day.  It was a very enjoyable experience as everyone was involved in one way or another.  Here is what is happening this week:
Math - We are continuing to work on our multiplication facts, but are also studying geometry.  There is a lot of new vocabulary with geometry, so it must be learned for the chapter test.  I am predicting that our Ch. 19 test will take place next week rather than this week.  You will want to study the vocabulary well in advance of the test, so I will make sure the vocabulary words come home this week.
Writing - After Abilities Awareness Day, our class wrote a narrative about our experience.  Students should have their first drafts finished by the middle of the week.  The students are good writers now, so we are working on the fine points - mechanics, spelling, and paragraphing.
Reading - I am working with skills groups in an effort to improve reading so that students can successfully read and find important information.  The goal is for every student to be capable of being proficient on upcoming MAP tests.
Science - We have a science test on Tuesday.  Students took home a science book and a study sheet for Chapter 11, lesson 1 this weekend.  The vocabulary for this lesson is difficult.  We have done a lot with the material, but I fear the test will still be difficult.  Please spend enough time on the study guide.
Social Studies - We will be writing our business plans for social studies this week.  I think everybody has settled on a product idea! 
Abilities Awareness Day

Writing in Braille with the Braille typewriters!

Trying to read Braille pictures that were printed on the Braille paper.

Writing Braille using a manual tool.  Wish I could remember the name of the tool!

More fun writing in Braille!

Look at what we did!

Therapeutic Horsemanship

Recreating a threrpeutic horsemanship lesson.

Wow!  Look at what he can do with a little help!

More therapeutic horsemanship lessons.