Sunday, January 26, 2014

Weekly Update 1/27/14 - 1/31/14

     It is hard to believe that we are headed into the last week of January, but then again, I guess we didn't have a lot of school this month!  There is a lot to cover between now and the end of the quarter, and of course, I am constantly thinking about MAP testing.  Please continue to have your child read daily, practice the Everybody Must Know spelling words, and multiplication.  The multiplication log is due at the end of this week.  Hopefully everyone has understood the importance of practicing the facts.  I don't want anyone in the class to feel left behind!  Now for this week's agenda!
Writing:  We have published our stories and are ready to go in a new direction.  For the next few weeks we will be focusing on how to address a writing prompt.  All third graders will be addressing a writing prompt on the MAP test in April.  The prompt will direct students to write a story, so everyone must be proficient with their use of capitals, punctuation, and the spelling of basic third grade words.
Math:  We are wrapping up chapter 11 and will have a test over the properties on of multiplication on Wed. We will also have a quiz over the 9x facts on Friday.  All other learned facts should be reviewed throughout the week as well!
Reading:  Our focus will be on close reading.  This is a weakness in most students' reading.  Students must learn to go back to reread closely to find the answers to questions they are asked.  Many students do not want to take the time to do this, and this is reflected in the poor Evaluate scores that some students receive.
Spelling:  Test on Tuesday, but no new words until next week.
Science:  We will begin chapter 5!
Social Studies:  We will be brainstorming ideas for our upcoming businesses.  Hopefully you have received the note that needs to be signed and returned saying that you are aware of the upcoming Economics Day.  It is in this week's Wed. folder which came home for the weekend!!

Important Events:
Mon. - Library;  Building You and Me Program;
Tues. - Spelling test;  Ability Awareness Day;
Wed. - Math test over multiplication properties;
Fri. - 9x Fact Test;

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Life Cycles in Life Science and Spelling Bee

Here we are working on our butterfly life cycles.  Great job, boys and girls!  They are already on the bulletin board in our room.

Congratulations to Cailin and Isabella for their fine representation in the spelling bee!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Weekly Update 1/21/14 - 1/24/14

Dear Parents,
     I apologize for waiting until the last minute of this lovely three day weekend to get my update to you.  We had such a wonderful first week back last week. Everyone was working hard to be the best they could be.  It was refreshing!
     Congratulations to Cailin Gould and Isabella Howe who did a wonderful job in the third grade spelling bee.  As winners of our class bee, they represented us well!
     Students will be bringing another "Everybody Must Know" word list home. There are only ten words this week.  However, students will write down any words they missed on last week's test to relearn.  The most missed word was doesn't, causing me to discover that many in the class do not know how to spell does correctly.
      All stories must be published by Thursday.  I have extended the deadline by a few days so that everyone can be successful.  Those who have already finished will be writing their reading response letters for the month of January.  Here is what is happening in all the subjects:

Writing - Publishing, writing reading response letters, and journaling;
Math - Learning the distributive property of multiplication, reviewing 0,1,2,3,5,10,facts, learning 4x facts, and testing over the 4x facts on Friday;
Read Aloud - Meet Addy continues;
Reading - Much practice on main idea and details;
Spelling - Testing over the new list on Friday;
Science - Life cycles of frogs and mammals;
S. Studies - Kicking off the Economics Unit! 

Important Events:.
Tues. - 
Wed. -
Thurs.- Library (make up day);
Fri. - Buddy Day;  Spelling test;  4x fact test;  All School Spelling Bee;

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Weekly Update 1/13/14 - 1/17/14

     Wow!  Was it ever good to get back to work Friday!  I was so happy to see the children and hope they were as happy as well.  We had a very good and productive day.  This week we will tackle a lot, so please be ready.  Our stories will need to be published (not sure everyone will have it done by Friday, however), and we will need to get on the fast track as far as multiplication is concerned.  We will review all facts learned (0x,1x, 2x, 5x, and 10x facts.)  We will also introduce and learn the 3's and 4's.  We may even head into the 6's on Friday.  Look for a multiplication practice log to be coming home to help with the memorization process.  Now for more information about the week!

Writing - Students are finishing their informational books and publishing.  Some students may be required to do some of the work at home.
Math - We will be getting flash cards for the 3x, 4x, and 6x facts this week.  We will study multiplication to the fullest and learn to recognize multiplication as an operation for word problems.
Read Aloud - Meet Addy, an historical fiction book from the Civil War era;
Reading - Our skill focus will be to learn to read closely so that we can find answers to questions about which we are asked.  This skill is a must for both Evaluate tests and MAP testing.
Spelling - Look for "Everybody Must Know" words.  The list will deviate from the Words Their Way program in order to assure that all students know certain words before reaching the end of third grade. Once learned/reviewed, they must never be misspelled again so as to reinforce the learning.
Science - We will continue with animal life cycles.
Social Studies -  We will begin Chapter 9, the study of economics.

Important Events Taking Place This Week:
Mon. - Building You and Me Program; library; classroom spelling bee;
Friday - Ch. 8 math test;  Spelling test for all students over Everybody Must Know word list;  Third Grade Spelling Bee for winners of the classroom bees;