Sunday, October 23, 2011

October 24- October 27

     What an exciting and busy week lies ahead!  We will be celebrate Red Ribbon Week, go on another field trip, and have conferences on Monday and Wednesday evenings.  Our trip to the Old Courthouse last week was lots of fun, and I feel the children learned from the trip.  After all, we are studying about early St. Louis history in social studies right now.  Thank you to the parents who helped with the Old Courthouse trip.  It was nice to have so many volunteers.  If I was unable to have you help for this field trip, it is my hope that you will be available once again in the future.  You will be at the top of my list!  Chaperones are not needed for this week's trip to the Sheldon, however.
Here is what I have planned for this week:

Math:  Please work very hard on all kinds subtraction with regrouping!  This is very hard for the children.  Our test is scheduled for Tuesday.  After testing, we will begin chapter 6 on time and money.  Please get a head start and work on some time and money basics!
Reading:  We will be working on the questioning reading strategy.  Ask your child what the difference is between a thick and thin question!

Spelling:  Yellow - test Wed.,  Green- test Thurs.;  Blue - Test Mon.;

Science:  We will be making our food chains this week!

S. Studies:  Our study of St. Louis will move into early transportation.  We will also be learning about and making line graphs in social studies!

Writing:  We will continue writing personal narratives and moving through the writing process.     

Special Events:
Monday:  Wear red for Red Ribbon Kickoff Day (assembly at school);  Evening conferences;
Tuesday:  "I'm a Jean-ious. I'm drug free!"  Wear jeans and spirit wear!
Wednesday: "United we stand for a drug free land."  Wear red, white , and blue;  Evening conferences;
Thursday:  "Hair's to a drug free life!"  Crazy Hair Day;  Field trip to Sheldon Music Hall;
Friday:  No School

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