Sunday, November 13, 2011

Weekly Update 11/14/11 - 11/18/11

     What a beautiful weekend!  I hope everyone in my classroom is taking advantage of this wonderful weather.  We had a very productive week last week.  The Tungsten Tests went very well for most students.  I am in awe of how hard these children work!  When these tests come home, please take time to go through them with your child so that you can see what your child is expected to do in the spring on MAP tests.  We will also go over them in the classroom before they are sent home.

This week's agenda:
Math - We will continue our study of clocks.  On Monday and Tuesday we will work very hard on how to determine elapsed time.  After that we will learn how to read time schedules and calendars.  Start brushing up on the months of the year!  As of now I believe our test is likely to be the following
Tuesday.  However, please check the daily planner in case I decide to have it a day earlier.

Reading-  The students are continuing to work on their comprehension through some very enjoyable books.  We are also working on how to find, underline, and number information that helps us to respond to questions.  We will continue with "story" homework while keeping in mind that everyone will make use of this skill when answering the questions associated with the story.

Spelling-  Students continue with their spelling skills.  Tests: Yellow Group/Tuesday, Green Group/Wednesday, Blue Group/Thursday.

Science- We will study weather and clouds this week.  We will do a project over this lesson rather than test.

Social Studies-  I'll try to get more accomplished this week in social studies.  We are continuing our study of government.

Writing- Our letters are just about ready to display!  You will receive your child's final graded copy by the end of the week (I hope!).  After your child turns in their final copy, I have them make a display copy in which they rewrite without any errors.  If your are around at the end of the week, check out our letters in the hallway!

Special Events:
Tues.:  Spelling Test/Yellow
Wed.:  Early Release Day;  Spelling Test/Green
Thurs.:  Spelling Test/Blue

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mrs.Schmidt it's Ricky Schodl saying hi from your class last year. I love my teacher and new school. The school has a really nice gym and the cafe is small but it works out. I even joined Strings and I'm really good at it. But boy is fourth grade hard!
