Saturday, December 3, 2011

Weekly Update 12/6 - 12/10

     It feels good to be on my blog again!  So sorry I missed a week of updates.  I guess I was just enjoying that Thanksgiving break a little too much last weekend! 
     Now that we are back to work, we are making as much progress as possible in all subjects.  With the end of the quarter so near, you are apt to see more review quizzes in math as well as a final test on Think Math by the end of the quarter.  Along with Think Math (a two week math program that emphasizes strategies for multiplication) we are also beginning to memorize the multiplication facts.  All students have passed the 0,1, and 2x's tests.  Next we will learn the 5, 10, and 11x's facts.  After Christmas holidays we will focus heavily on all the harder facts .  A great website to help with learning these facts is  I recommend that every student uses this site daily.  Now for other news: 

Math- Lessons 5-9 this week.  Please see the Think Math lessons that we have already completed.  They are kept in the math section of the binder.

Reading - We are reviewing the November Tungsten test and taking the December test this Tuesday.  We are also working on figuring out new vocabulary through context clues.  Students should continue to underline and number details when responding to questions in the the literature they read.

Spelling - Tests this week!  Yellow Group/Tuesday, Green Group/Wednesday, and Blue Group/ Thursday.

Science - We are studying our solar system.  Our lessons have focused on Earth's movement and its tilt on its axis.  We are learning what causes day/night and seasons.  We will have a quiz over this material Friday.  However, please consult the daily planner for more information!

Social Studies - Our test over Chapter 7 is this Wednesday.  We will spend Monday and Tuesday working on our Rights and Responsibility posters and reviewing.

Writing - Students are publishing their personal narratives.  Each day we share a finished story, and the class is amazed at how interesting each story is!  Those who are finished with their narrative are either attempting a Christmas disaster fiction story, a Christmas acrostic, or a story of their own choosing.  The important thing is that we are all writing! 

This weeks important events:
Monday:  Winter Holiday Music Program at school at 2:00.  Students perform again in the evening!
Tuesday:  Reading Tungsten Test;  Spelling test - Yellow Group;
Wednesday:  Early Release Day;  Social Studies Test;  Spelling test - Green Group;
Thursday:  Tungsten Math Test;  Spelling test - Blue Group:
Friday:  Science quiz;

PS:  I will notify you by email as to when we will have library.  I will have to schedule a time since our time is cancelled due to Early Release.  We will have the opportunity to buy books at the book fair at that time. 

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