Sunday, April 22, 2012

Weekly Update - 4/23/12- 4/27/12

     I was so hoping for a lovely weekend.  I'm sure you enjoyed yesterday, however.  Let's hope we have more beautiful days like that ahead! 
     As the year draws to a close, we still have some loose ends with which to attend.  First of all, we have rescheduled a field trip.  Permission slips for Suson Park with our buddy class will probably come out sometime this week.  The bus fare is already paid for with the money parents invested in the previously cancelled trip.  The trip will not take place until the May 23rd.
     Another fun activity will be the upcoming Teddy Bear Picnic on May 3rd.  We will also share this event with our kindergarten buddies.  Each child in our class will need to bring one beach towel or other large towel for the picnic.  Third graders should also bring a teddy bear and a snack as well.
     Finally, the book fair begins tomorrow.  If you would like your child to buy a book, please send money in an envelope with his/her name on it along with the words "Book Fair."  We will try to go Monday and Wednesday.

Here is what is happening this week:
Math - We will continue the study of fractions in chapter 26.  Our focus will be on adding and subtracting fractions.  We will also practice reducing fractions to their lowest common denominator.
Reading - Groups are beginning new books this week!  Ask your child which book he or she is now reading for class.
Spelling - Tests include Green Group on Monday and Blue Group on Tuesday,
Health - This week's focus is on the muscular system.  We will also talk about the heart as a muscle and in this way tie in the circulatory system as well.
Social Studies - Last week we covered local government.  This week we will discuss state government.
Writing -  This week is all about writing chapter books.  Chapter 1 is a description of characters and setting.  Several of the children have already started and some have written a first chapter that makes the reader want to read more.  Yeah!

Special Events:
Monday - Book Fair;  Green Group spelling test;
Tuesday - Blue Group spelling test;
Wednesday - Library; Book Fair; Early Release Day
Thursday -
Friday - Fun Friday Health Day 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Weekly Update 4/16/12 - 4/20/12

     What a rainy weekend!  However, when it wasn't raining it was lovely.  Hopefully you were able to watch some of the Cardinal games.  Looks like it will be another exciting season!  Now that MAP tests are over, it will be my job to keep school exciting for the children.  Because the children were actually excited to test and show what they know, the end of testing can almost be a let down for some.  However, we started back in with our regular schedule on Friday, and the children seemed up for everything we were doing.  This was really nice to see!

Here is what is happening this week:
Math:  We are learning to compare fractions, which is quite challenging.  Manipulatives are used as an aid, but I am also teaching the "shoelace" trick which enables one to compare without the use of manipulatives.  Our test over chapter 25 will be this coming Friday.
Reading:  We are continuing to read and respond to some very good literature selections!
Spelling:  We are continuing our sorting routines.  The Yellow Group will take a test over their words this Friday.
Health:  We will be learning about nutrition and the digestive system.  On Friday our class will experience five creative lessons as they move from one third grade teacher to another.  In my lesson students will move coffee beans through food tubes (esophagus) until they reach a plastic bag (stomach.)
Social Studies:  Our study of government continues.
Writing:  Students are already busy writing about you, Mom!  Yes, we will save these papers to present to you on Mother's Day!

Special Events:
Friday - Math test over chapter 25;  Spelling test for the Yellow Group;  

Monday, April 9, 2012

Weekly Update 4/9/12-4/13/12

     I had a wonderful weekend with my family.  How about you?  Now we are back in the swing of things here at school with only one more week of MAP testing to go.  We start in again on Tuesday and continue to test Wednesday and Thursday.  After that we will do our best to get back to a normal academic schedule.

Here is what we will head into for each subject area:
Reading - We will continue with books that we have started.  One group will begin Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher, a favorite of mine.

Math - We will continue our study of fractions.

Science - Our final focus will be to learn about energy.

Social Studies - There is one chapter on government left to cover.  With all of the excitement in choosing presidential candidates, I think the children will enjoy this at the end of the year!

Health -  Beginning next week, a different health topic that will be covered each week between then and the end of school.  Fridays will be Health Fun Day.  Students will rotate to all five third grade classrooms for various 15 minute activities dealing with the topic!

Special Events:
Tues. - MAP testing;  library lesson!
Wed. - MAP testing;
Thurs. - MAP testing

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Weekly Update 3/2/12-3/6/12

     We have another short week this week, but it will be one that is very meaningful.  The children will have their chance to show what they know through the MAP testing that will be taking place.  We will test over communication arts on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of this week, and will test over math next week on the same days.  Please help your child by encouraging a good breakfast and a good night's sleep.  Students should also be encouraged to read all directions and questions carefully before choosing answers.  Hopefully everyone will make the effort to go back and underline information in the stories they read.  Finally, students should check all answers carefully upon finishing their tests.  The students have worked so hard, and so it is my hope that each student's test will reflect this.
     This week is devoted to the MAP testing, so there it little going on other than more MAP preparation and the testing itsself.  Please send one type of snack to school so that we can make it a part of the class trail mix.  Children look forward to the relaxing snack time that follows each testing session.  The following are some snack ideas that I included on an earlier written note:  Cereal, Chex Mix, Goldfish, Cheez-its, M/M's, peanuts, mini marshmallows, pretzels, etc.  Feel welcome to bring anything you think might be good in the mix.

Mon. - MAP Prep;
Tues. - MAP Test begins;
Wed. - Library; MAP test;
Thurs. - MAP Test;