Sunday, April 1, 2012

Weekly Update 3/2/12-3/6/12

     We have another short week this week, but it will be one that is very meaningful.  The children will have their chance to show what they know through the MAP testing that will be taking place.  We will test over communication arts on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of this week, and will test over math next week on the same days.  Please help your child by encouraging a good breakfast and a good night's sleep.  Students should also be encouraged to read all directions and questions carefully before choosing answers.  Hopefully everyone will make the effort to go back and underline information in the stories they read.  Finally, students should check all answers carefully upon finishing their tests.  The students have worked so hard, and so it is my hope that each student's test will reflect this.
     This week is devoted to the MAP testing, so there it little going on other than more MAP preparation and the testing itsself.  Please send one type of snack to school so that we can make it a part of the class trail mix.  Children look forward to the relaxing snack time that follows each testing session.  The following are some snack ideas that I included on an earlier written note:  Cereal, Chex Mix, Goldfish, Cheez-its, M/M's, peanuts, mini marshmallows, pretzels, etc.  Feel welcome to bring anything you think might be good in the mix.

Mon. - MAP Prep;
Tues. - MAP Test begins;
Wed. - Library; MAP test;
Thurs. - MAP Test;

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