Can you believe only three weeks remain? I can sense that students are getting a little anxious now. Our goal is to try to maintain our excellent work ethic while holding on to our self control. It isn't always an easy task with so many changes in our daily schedule. Many enjoyable events are popping up, but we must continue with our best behavior in mind.
Here's what is happening this week:
Math - We are studying decimals which are in chapter 27. I think we will finish the material by the end of the week. However, we will do our study guide next Monday and test next Tuesday. Like the fraction chapter, it may be very wise to go back over the material in the book. We are testing over all the lessons, and the material is unlike anything the students have studied in the past. This will be good preparation for the fourth grade.
Writing - I am reading some of the most wonderful chapter books written by none other than your children. Most students have finished with the first two chapters, while others have finished all four required. You would be amazed at how well your children have described their characters and established a problem for their characters to later solve! My only worry is that we may not have started the project in time for everyone to finish.
Spelling - Testing continues this Monday with Green Group and Tuesday for the Blue Group. I am going to try to squeeze in one more spelling unit between now and the end of the year.
Health - This week's unit is all about the respiratory system. Our class rotations will be on Thursday this week due to International Day on Friday.
Social Studies - We will make our government trees on Monday and Tuesday and also fill out our study guide for chapter 8. Our test will be this Thursday.
Special Events:
Monday - Spelling Test,Green Group;
Tuesday - Spelling Test, Blue Group;
Wednesday - Library (Please return books!)
Thursday - Read, Write, and Run Event; health rotations;
Friday - International Day!
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