Sunday, October 28, 2012

10/2912 - 11/2/12

     It seems as if we are getting busier and busier here at school.  One thing I know for sure, and that is that I am so happy that we are past the subtraction chapter in math!  Thank you for pitching in and helping with the learning process.  I will try to have students review the subtraction with regrouping skill often.  Some still have some trouble knowing what to do at times.  If you notice your child regrouping incorrectly and see the pattern for what he/she is doing incorrectly, please step in and reteach.  This is a life long skill!
     This will be an extremely busy week.  We have conferences, Halloween parties, Kids Voting, and a couple of tests.  Wish I could put the tests on a different week, but it is impossible without causing us to lose time.  Please see the testing schedule below these pictures which were taken at Sheldon Concert Hall right before the program was scheduled to begin.  I think the class really enjoyed going on this field trip!

This Week:
Mon. -  Conference; Library;  New spelling words come home;
Tues. -  Science Test! 
Wed. -  Halloween parties;
Thurs. - Conferences; Kids Voting; 
Fri. - Social Studies Test / Ch. 7 ;  Math Test / Ch. 6 (Money)

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