Sunday, December 2, 2012

12/3/12 - 12/7/12

What a beautiful weekend!  It was difficult for me to get down to my school business.  Below the weekly update I am posting three videos for our classmate, Joey, who has been sick and is in the hospital.  We miss him very much and hope he will get well as quickly as possible.  We hope you enjoy the videos, Joey!

Math:  We are learning multiplication through a program called Think Math.  There are eight lessons and we do them together as a class.  The lessons can be found in the student binder behind math.  Please keep them in the binder until we test over them.
Writing:  Students have chosen the personal narrative they are planning to publish.  The stories must be revised and corrected before being written neatly.  Stories are due before the end of the quarter.
Spelling:  Red and Yellow Groups will have their test Monday, while the Blue and Green groups will test on Tuesday.
Reading:  Some of the reading groups have changed.  Three of the groups are reading nonfiction books, while the other is reading The Chocolate Touch, one of my favorites.  I am starting to take grades over the main idea skill.  Look for the papers that will be coming home.
Science:  We are testing over the moon's phases and over the lunar and solar eclipses on Tuesday.
Social Studies:  Our test over Government Ch. 8 will be this Friday.

Special Events: 
Mon. - Library;  Book Fair  (Bring money if you want to buy);  Spelling test Red and Yellow;  Quiz over 0-2x facts;
Tues. - Spelling test Blue and Green;  Science Test;
Wed. - Early Release Day;
Thurs. -
Fri. - Social Studies Test;  STPG Santa Night;


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