Sunday, September 1, 2013

Weekly Update 9/3/13 - 9/6/13

     I enjoyed spending time with so many of you on Curriculum Night!  Thanks for coming out and supporting the classroom and your children.  I know I can be a little long winded, but you were very kind not to let on that you noticed!  I truly enjoy your children and want to be able to further them academically.  Anything and everything you do to aid in the process is greatly appreciated.

Here is what is happening this week:
Writing - On Tuesday we will celebrate the culmination of our writer's notebook training.  From here we will build our stamina as writers.
Math - We have finished chapter 1 and will be doing a practice test study guide in class on Tuesday.  Please study from this in preparation for the test on Wednesday.  Students need to be able to add and subtract 2 digit numbers with regrouping and should also be able to find missing addends.  Both of these are difficult skills for several students.  Students will also need to be able to choose the correct operation when doing simple addition and subtraction word problems as well.
Reading - This week students will continue learning about fiction and nonfiction genres.  They will also begin to learn how to respond to what they have read by writing letters that demonstrates their comprehension. Students will be held accountable for what they have read in class, and the letters help me to assess their progress.
Spelling - I am really excited that we will begin our spelling groups this week!  However, words will not come home until the end of the week.  The testing date will be posted at the top of the word sheet.  It takes more than five days to go through all of the word work activities, so tests do not occur every week.  Test dates will also be on the blog and in the planner.
Science -    We will continue our study of what makes a good scientist!
S. Studies - We should finish chapter 1 this week and test on Friday.  We will work on our study guide on Tuesday and Wednesday and that will give students Wed. and Thursday to study from the guide.  You may also want to review lessons 1-3 and the map skills using the book.

Important Events:
Tues. -  Library; 
Wed. - Ch. 1 math test;  Wed. folders come home;
Thurs. - Spelling Groups begin!                       
Fri. - Social Studies test (tentative);  Back to Football Assembly - wear Rams gear!

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