Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Weekly Update 10/7/13 - 10/11/13

     Welcome to Miss Krueger, a student from Missouri U.  She has been observing lessons and helping students in the classroom since last week.  She is also teaching students how to get into google drive so that they can start doing their reading assignment letters online.  Be sure to see the video that follows this weekly update as a guide to google drive.
     Also, a very happy welcome to Olivia, who is the sister of a new baby brother.  She shared her new brother photo album with us and passed out suckers to celebrate.  (Blue, of course!) 

 Now for some news about this week:
Writing - The students in my classroom are doing a wonderful job writing stories in their writing journal. We do these journal stories at school, while at home students are continuing to write in their writer's notebook. Daily practice helps the kids to be more fluent writers!
Math - The class did better on the Ch. 3 test.  All those rounding skills will be used again in Ch 4.  We will focus on addition with lots of regrouping as well.
Reading - We are focusing on how to write reading letters using google drive.  Our reading skill for this week is main idea and details.
Spelling - New words for the Yellow Group will go home on Tuesday, Green Group on Wednesday, and Blue Group on Thursday.  No tests this week.
Science - We are discussing plant parts and their important function, as well as learning about photosynthesis.
S. Studies -  We started chapter 2 - our country's geography.  However, stop by to see our beautiful projects from chapter 1 displayed on the hallway bulletin board !

Important Events:
Mon. -  D Day; Library; 
Tues. - A Day; McDonald's Night from 4 - 8.
Wed. - B Day;
Thurs. - C Day; Counseling Class in the morning;
Fri. - D Day;

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