Saturday, February 8, 2014

Weekly Update 2/10/14 - 2/14/14

    I am excited about all that we accomplished last week in spite of the snow day.  I feel we are advancing in every academic area, and I am so proud of everyone's effort!  I am also thankful for parents who are so supportive!  Now a look at this coming week:
Writing - The class is doing a nice job writing to a prompt.  They are handling it like pros!  This coming week we will write to a second prompt and then choose one of the two to publish.
Math -  Geometry continues as we learn more and more important geometric vocabulary.  Students need to begin studying for the next test well in advance so that they are not caught with too little time too prepare. I will assign a few words to master each night between now and the test.  The test is tentatively planned for this Thursday.  Students should also be working on the 6x facts and reviewing all others.  Remember to mark practice times on the math log.  Both the log and the  Hamby Special math sheet are due on Friday!
Reading - Every reading group is reading an article about timber wolves.  They are practicing their close reading and responding to the text through questions/answers.  Students are doing well so far!
Spelling:  Look for a new spelling list on Monday.  It will be a short list due to an early release day and Valentine's Day party later in the week that will cut into our practice time.
Science:  This week we will finish the food web mural and then do a chapter 5 check.  We always use the book as a tool to help with these quizzes.  After that, we will study the water cycle in chapter 6.
S. Studies: The economics business plan was taken home Friday.  The front side of this page should be completed and returned by Friday.  We will finish chapter 9 on economics this week, but will not test until next week. You will received the study guide before the weekend.

Important Events:
Mon.  - Library;  last session of the Building You and Me Program;  new spelling list;
Wed. - Early Release at 1:40;
Thursday - Special close reading lesson by Mrs. Valter, guest teacher;  tentative math test over
                   chapter 19;
Friday - Valentine's Day party at 1:45;  social studies study guide comes home;  Hamby Special
              and multiplication math log are due;

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