Sunday, March 30, 2014

Weekly Update 3/31/14 - 4/4/14

     Last week was challenging in that it followed a spring vacation week.  However, the class did a wonderful job each and every day.  We accomplished so much!  In fact, we finished the story and story responses for "Mary is Always Right" one day early.  Usually I misjudge and it takes one day longer.  I am hoping this is a good omen for us during our MAP preparation process!
     The students also did a wonderful job reviewing multiplication facts 2 - 5, followed by division facts for 2, 3, and 4 divisors.  Because students knew the multiplication facts so well, it was an easy progression.  Next week we will continue with the 6 and 7x facts and the divisors 6 and 7 as well.
     Another bright spot was the ease with which students did their Chapter 7, Lesson 1 science check.  The class zoomed right through and the scores were excellent.  I am very proud of their accomplishments.  I hope this week goes as well!
Here is what is happening this week:
Writing -  We need one more day to finish writing the persuasive speeches.  They are really good, and I am excited for students to present them on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Math -  Our test over chapter 15-16 is Monday.  Then we will move on to probability.  This is a very fun chapter with lots of fun games to help with learning the vocabulary.
Reading -  Along with going a little further in our literature books, we will also begin a new MAP practice story called "Seasons of the Amazon."  This is great practice on a nonfiction story.  I am hoping students do as well as last week. 
Science - In science we will be studying measurement tools in both the standard and metric systems.  We will cover tools for measuring distance, mass, capacity, temperature.
Workshop - We started workshop last week, and I think the students would agree that it is a lot of fun.  There are two groups which alternate, the first doing a computer program that reviews skills (reading, spelling, and language) and the second reviewing math skills using MAP Prep pages.  Both are a nice change of pace!

Important Events:
Mon. - Library;  Math Test Ch. 15 -16;
Tues. - SPTG meeting at 6:45;  Persuasive speeches are presented;
Wed. - Finishing persuasive speech presentations;


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