This Friday is Writer's Day. Authors will be visiting and holding short workshops for the students, so our schedule will be completely different from normal. (Contrary to what I stated in the first sentence of this email!) Along with Writer's Day is a volunteer luncheon. Those who have volunteered for our school in some way are asked to join in on the luncheon. Perhaps you have escorted our class on a field trip or will be doing so for the Suson or zoo trip. Perhaps you have helped at parties or sent in some treats for the class. If so, please come and join us on Writer's Day between 11:15 and 12:00.
Now take a look at what is going on this week:
Writing - We will end the year with a Fairy Tale Unit. Our adapted/fractured fairy tales are sure to be a lot of fun!
Math - Sorry to have to do this so quickly, but tomorrow we will be reviewing chapter 24 on probability. A study guide will come home so that we can test over chapter 24 on Tuesday. If we don't look as if we will be ready for Tuesday, then I will make it a
Wednesday test instead.
Reading - I will be working with students on their question/response skills. All students will be tested to see what their reading level is at the end of the year.
Science - Our next lesson is about Earth's movement around the sun (revolution and rotation.) I will try to have another lesson check by Thursday. Please look for the most recent lesson check which is coming home tomorrow. Everyone did very well.
Social Studies - We will begin a study of St. Louis and transportation as we end the year with chapter 5.
Cursive Writing - The class will love trying their hand at cursive writing. Who knows - maybe we will have some future cursive writers! A few in our class have actually studied cursive on their own at home and are doing remarkably well!
Important Events:
Mon. - Library; math study guide comes home;
Tues. - Math test chapter 24;
Wed. -
Thurs. - Science open book check for Ch. 7, Lesson 3;
Fri. - Writer's Day; Volunteer Luncheon 11:15 - 12:00;
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