Sunday, September 18, 2011

September 19-22

     We had a very full and exciting week!  Our class took the first reading and math Tungsten and entered the results into the computer.  We also met with our kindergarten buddy class.  I regret that I did not capture this on camera or video.  I'm starting to be forgetful of those Kodak moments, so I will have to try to step it up a little this coming week!  Here is what I have planned:

Math: We will be comparing and ordering large numbers, as well as rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and 100.  This will be another challenging chapter!

Reading:  Our reading groups are well under way!  Each group has an exciting book to read and questions for which they are responsible.  We are also focusing on sequence so that we can organize the events of a story in our mind.

Spelling:  Green Group tests Mon., while Blue Group tests Tues.  Each group will have a 2 day spelling vacation following each test.  During that time, the groups will cut out their new word cards and work on cursive.  Everyone is looking forward to this!

Science:  We will study photosynthesis and then have a quiz over the photosynthesis process.  Please check the student planner for the assessment date.

Social Studies:  We will continue to study geography of the world.  Our next project is a color, cut, paste, and label picture that will help us learn the world's continents and oceans.

Writing:  Students are choosing a story from their journals to edit and revise so that I can see what each can do on their own.  I have conferenced with students, and have already read some of the story choices.  I encouraged students to write meaningful stories and to make them readable by editing for periods and capitals.  I asked students to enhance their stories by adding interesting details where ever possible.  Learning to write well is a process.  This first story will let me know what each child can do with limited input from me.  I can't wait to read them!

Specials:  M-PE, T-Music, W-PE, TH-Art, F-PE;
Other Events:  Wed.-Picture Day, Attendence Day, and Library!

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