Saturday, September 3, 2011

Weekly Update

     How is everyone enjoying this nice extended weekend?  Hopefully you are able to enjoy family and friends for the holiday.

     The past week went by quickly.  We encountered our first tests in math and science.  Students did very well in both areas.  We will have another test this coming Friday, Sept. 9th, over chapter 1 in social studies.  The study guide is in the social studies section of the binder.  The following is more of what we will be covering this coming week:

Math-  We have already started chapter 2 and have reviewed even/odd, place, and value.  We'll continue learning place and value through the thousands period.  Reading and writing large numbers can be tricky for third graders, so please go over any missed answers on all returned papers.  Other vocabulary will include digits, standard form, expanded form, and word form.

Reading-Reading groups begin this week.  Students should continue to read 20 minutes at home daily.  Remember, library is every Wednesday.  Hopefully your child is bringing home books that are "just right!'.

Spelling- Groups will begin in spelling this coming week as well.  Students will be leveled according to the results of their pretest.  Spelling words will come home after I have met with each group.  Please refer to the student planner for testing information as there is no regular testing day.  Each group will be on a nine day cycle, with the test taking place on day eight.    
Science- We are having fun growing seeds!  We measure and record results daily.  We will begin chapter 2 on Tuesday and will focus on plant parts and their function. 

Writing/Social Studies- Our first writing assignment will be postcards about the urban, suburban, and rural areas we are studying in social studies.  In social studies we are making murals featuring these areas!

Special Classes:  Tues.-Art, Wed.-PE, Thurs.-Music, and Friday-PE.

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