Sunday, March 11, 2012

Weekly Update 3/12-3/16

     Looks as if spring break is almost here!  The good news is that there are almost no tests this week.  Yahoo!  The one test I will be administering is on metric measurements, and I plan to give that on Wednesday.  After that we should be home free.  Thursday will be devoted to Economics Fun Day, and Friday is a half day with school dismissing at 11:40.  I hope everyone will enjoy the much needed break!

Here's what's happening this week:
Math - We will begin the graphing chapter on Monday.  Bar graphs, pictographs, and line graphs are all a part of this chapter. 
Reading - We will review genre.  This will include fairy tales, tall tales, and fables.  MAP prep will also continue along with continued reading in our literature books.

Spelling - No spelling this week.  We will continue will spelling after the break.

Science - We will wrap up our study of metric units.  Our test will be on Wednesday.  Look for a math study guide on Tuesday.

Social Studies - MAP prep at this time!  Economics Day will be on Thursday from 8:50 - 10:30.  Every child should have what they need for their business by that day.

Writing - Several students will need to finish their "If I Were the President" paper.  We are also continuing the functional writing lessons we began last week.

Special Events:
Wed. - Test on metric measurements; Library;
Thurs. - Economics Fun Day;  Counseling Class;  Cursive Writing Day!
Fri. - All stories are due!  School dismiss at 11:40;

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