Here's what is happening in more detail:
Math - We will finish the second chapter which deals with place value to the hundred thousands. Reading and writing big numbers is one of the difficult skills on which we are focusing. Knowing how to write those numbers in standard, expanded, and word form is essential. Our test will be Friday, with the study guide coming home on Wednesday for homework.
Writing - We are working on locating misspelled words in our writing, circling them, and then correcting. Some dictionary work has been taught and students are practing the skill with a few of their misspelled words.
Spelling - Students are practicing their words daily through various spelling activities. The first tests are on Thursday and Friday of this week.
Reading - I have one more reading group with which to meet, and then I will have met with all groups for my preevaluation. Part of our reading this week will also be spent taking the monthly MAP practice assessment. This is not for a grade. Rather it is a tool used to assist teachers in their teaching.
Science - We will learn about plants, what they need to live, and about the function of each plant part.
Social Studies - The study guide for chapter one will come home on Tuesday. Our first test is on Thursday. We are very close to finishing our communities murals!
Special Events:
Mon. - Library!
Tues. - ELL Curriculum Night in Miss Crawford's room for parents whose children
participate in ELL classes. I will be there too!
Wed. - Early dismissal day (1:40)
Thurs. - Spelling test for Red and Yellow spelling groups; Social Studies test / Chap.1
Fri. - Our first Buddy Day! Spelling test for Blue and Green spelling groups; Math test/Chap. 2
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