Wednesday, September 19, 2012

9/24/12 - 9/28/12 Update and Class Pictures From Rams Day

     Here we are posing for class pictures on Ram's Day earlier in the month.  The class wanted to do one serious and one silly pose!  See below for weekly update:

 Math - We will finish up rounding on Monday.  The study guide will come home as homework on Monday evening.  We will review and go over the study guide on Tuesday, followed by the Ch. 3 test on Wednesday.  We will only test over rounding to the nearest 10 and the nearest 100.
Writing - Now that we have finished the Summer Fun story and the community postcards, we are beginning to write about someone in our family.  I'm looking forward to being thoroughly entertained by these stories!
Spelling - The next test is either Thursday or Friday of this week depending on the group. (See below.)
Reading - Books of study include The Hundred Dresses, My Mother's Chair, Thank you Mr. Falker, Chameleons, and Weddings.  Ask your child which book he/she is reading!
Science - We have finished our study of plants and will continue with a study of ecosystems.  This means we will not go through chapter 3 in the book, but rather will skip to chapter 4.  This unit of study has videos and projects that the class will enjoy!
Social Studies - Geography, geography, and more geography!  That's what chapter 2 is all about.  I'm starting with continents and oceans of the world.  From there we will learn about our country, region, state, and city.
Special Events:  Please consider selling at least one product for our school fundraiser.  Students always feel proud that they have helped contributed!
Mon. - Library!!!!  Math study guide comes home for chapter 3.
Wed. - Spelling test for the Red and Yellow spelling groups;  Math test Ch. 3;
Thurs. - Spelling test for the Blue and Green groups. 
Fri. - No School!!!!!!!!!

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