Saturday, November 17, 2012

11/19/12 - 11/20/12

     I hope you don't mind that my blog news is short, but then it is a short week.  We will use the two days of school to review skills.  There will be, however, a test in science on Tuesday.  Students have a study guide for the test and have taken home the science book for further study.  We will begin new spelling words after the holidays and will start a program called Think Math as a precursor to multiplication.  However, your child should be continuing with so that the addition and subtraction facts can be mastered.  I will be testing students at the end of the quarter on their facts!
     Below are pictures with our buddies in Mrs. Becker's kindergarten class.  We drew turkeys and Native Americans together.  Everyone had fun getting to know their buddies better!  This first picture is of students showing off their hats for Hat Day.  Enjoy!



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