I hope everyone is enjoying this wonderful mini vacation. I think we all needed a break. It is going to feel good to sleep late on Monday and Tuesday! Then comes Wednesday, and we will all be back to doing important things. Please view what we will be learning this week!
Math - We will start with clocks on Wednesday. We'll spend one day one telling time to the nearest hour and quarter hour, and then move right into telling time to the nearest minute. After that we will begin learning about elapsed time. This skill may be new and can be difficult. We will also become experts on A.M. and P.M.
Writing - I love teaching personal narrative writing, and this is what we are working on right now. Most of the second quarter will be devoted to this type of writing!
Spelling - Tests for all groups this week. Red and Yellow Group test Thursday and the Blue and Green group test Friday.
Reading - As a class, we have just wrapped up genre, and will be heading into main idea and details. Groups four and five have completed their reading selections and are moving on to new books. Groups one and two are reading The Principal's New Clothes and Freckle Juice respectively. These should be coming to a close by the end of the week.
Science - Learning about how the earth, sun, and moon interact as well as about why we have seasons will prove to be interesting topics this week.
Social Studies - Chapter 8 is a continuation of government. However, this chapter will go into more detail as to how government works.
Important Events:
Wed. - I have computer training in the morning, but will be in class by noon.
Thurs. - Spelling test for the Red and Yellow Groups.
Fri. - Veteran's Day Reception; Spelling test for the Blue and Green Groups.
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