Sunday, December 15, 2013

Weekly Update 12/16/13 - 12/20/13

     I can only imagine how busy everyone will be this week before Christmas.  We will be busy at school too, but thank goodness we are finished with all tests other than the last spelling and have wrapped up the first semester writer's notebook.  Some students like to switch to their second composition notebook at the beginning of semester 2.  Some like to keep going in the one in which they have already written.  Decorating a new notebook is optional.  All that I require is a name on the cover that is easy for me to see.
     Please continue to encourage your child to do his/her very best at school.  Listening well makes such a difference in one's learning.  Poor listening also affects the learning of other students in the classroom, so it is important that everyone is well behaved, respectful of one another, and a good listener!

Here is our schedule for this week:
Writing - Nonfiction stories are continuing.  Some students have written an entire book with details, explanations, diagrams, definitions, comparing/contrast chart, pictures with captions, and so on.  Others have written very little!  Yet everyone has had the same opportunity to work on their stories.  This is a concern.  Please speak with your child about his/her progress!
Math - We are learning strategies for a multiplication through Think Math lessons.  Did you know that you can calculate the answers to multiplication using arrays and intersecting lines?  We have learned about horizontal, vertical, and intersecting lines through the process.  This week students will also learn the 0's, 1's, 2's, and 5x's facts.  They need to be memorized before returning from the holiday break.  It can be done!  Just set a little time aside each day between Christmas and New Years. There are even a few extra days after the New Year!
Reading - We will focus on reading for details.  Students must learn to look back into the reading and read closely to find answers to questions they are being asked.
Science- We are beginning the final lesson in chapter 4.  It is all about life cycles.  We will not finish or test over that chapter until after the holidays.
S. Studies - On Monday we will make a government tree.  For the remainder of the week students may bring their own devices to find information about U.S. symbols and monuments, writing down some of the facts they find and drawing a picture of the symbol/monument they chose.

Important Events:
Mon. - Library;  Buddy Day;
Tues. - Spelling test for the Yellow Group;
Wed. - Spelling test for the Green Group;
Thurs. - Spelling test for the Blue Group;  Counseling class;
Fri. - Assembly 9:00-10:00;  Reindeer Relays 1:15-1:45;  Holiday Party for 1:45-2:45;

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Christmas Door Contest"

Take a look at our door for the holidays.  The class did a great job on their elves, reindeer, and 

Monday, December 2, 2013

Fun During Library

     The class enjoying viewing new books at the library today.  They played a fun game of musical chairs.  When the music stopped, each child sat in a chair and viewed the book on the chair for a few minutes until the music started again.  What a great idea, Mrs. Czacki!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Weekly Update 11/25/13 - 11/26/13

     This week is a short week, but an important week.  Rather than push the tests in before the holidays, we will use our time to try to improve our skills in reading and math and do some fun things in science and social studies.  It is my sad news, however, to inform you that I will be absent from school on Monday afternoon. My husband's mother had been sick and passed away last Thursday.  My family and I will celebrate her heavenly homecoming at a private service in her memory.  Your children were very sweet and loving when I told them at the end of the day on Friday. I appreciated their concern.

Now here is what is happening in class this week:
Writing - Our nonfiction writing is off and running!  Topics of expertise have been chosen and the big ideas about the topic have been identified.  Students are talking like experts about their topic by filling in the details while teaching to their peers.  On Monday we will plan the foundation for our books by building a a selection of one or two ideas for a table of contents.  This foundation will determine the structure of the book the students will be writing.
Math - We studied calendars on Friday and will learn about time lines on Monday.  Tuesday will be reserved for some fun center activities that review time and money skills.  The study guide for Ch. 7 will come home on the Monday after the holidays.  Our test over telling time to the nearest minute, AM and PM, calendars, and times lines will be on Tuesday the 3rd.
Reading - Through read-a-louds, students are learning to answer questions based on inferences.  Paying attention to the clues that lead to the answers require higher thinking, and most of the class enjoy lots of thinking!
Science - We have started chapter 4, which is all about animals/living things.  Amna brought shells for us to classify so that we could relate that to animal classification.  Thanks, Amna!  We are also going to make a model of our vertebrae using pinwheel pasta and jelly rings.  The kids seem to think gummy jelly rings are sold at Walgreens.  Hope I can find them!
Spelling - All groups will have their next spelling test after the holidays!
S. Studies - Chapter 8 continues our study of government.  The class googled and searched to find out the mayor of St. Louis, the governor of Missouri, and the correct spelling of President Obama's first name!

Important events:
Wed. to Fri. - Thanksgiving Holidays!  No school!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Veterans Day Assembly

Our assembly today was absolutely the best Veterans Day Assembly ever.  Enjoy the pictures!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Weekly Update 11/11/13 - 11/15/13

     We have a very packed week to which we can look forward.  We begin tomorrow with the Veteran's Day Assembly, have Evaluate testing and Early Release in the middle of the week, and end the week with a narrative writing celebration.  So as you can see, we will be busy, busy, busy!
Here is a what we will be doing in our subjects:
Writing - Many students are finished publishing their stories and are having fun writing something new.  Others are trying to get published before our big celebration at the end of the week.
Math - The class is doing a great job on money.  Keep counting away!  Tomorrow we will learn how to count change and will continue to subtract large amounts of money as an extension of our subtraction unit. We will test on Wednesday over counting equivalent sets of money, comparing the value of sets of money, counting change, and subtraction of large amounts of money.
Reading - At the beginning of this week we are preparing for the November reading Evaluate test by going over the October test.  (We did this on Friday as well.)  We will take the reading Evaluate on Tuesday during reading time.  After that we will use some class time to write our November reading response letter. On Friday, we will launch a nonfiction unit of study which will line up with our next writing unit.  We are currently reading nonfiction books in our reading groups as well.
Science - We will review what we have learned about plants on Monday and Tuesday and then take a test on Thursday.  Students will bring home their books so that they can study the chapter review pages before taking the test.
S. Studies - We will work on our study guide on Monday and review and finish our Rights and Responsibility Project for the rest of the week.  Our test will be Friday.

Important Events:
Mon. - Library, Veteran's Day Assembly;
Tues. - Reading Evaluate Test;
Wed. - Early Release Day, Chapter 6 math test;
Thurs. - Writing Celebration Day, Math Evaluate Test, Science test;
Fri. - Buddy Day (I Think!), S. Studies Test;

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Rams Day Pics!

This week we had the pleasure of having a visit from members of the Rams organization and employees from Edward D. Jones.  They worked with us on a service project that served members of our military.  The pictures will give you an idea of how many thank you notes we wrote to our service men and women.  During our service project, we had a surprise visit from one of the players, Barrett Jones, and the team mascot, Rampage.  Funniest moment?  That would be when Rampage added a fourth choice to our lunch menu - boneless Seahawks wings!


Sunday, November 3, 2013

Weekly Update 11/4/13 - 11/8/13

     Last week was quite the whirlwind with conferences and a Halloween party.  (Please view party pics I put up on the blog on Friday!)  I have six conferences to reschedule due to my cancellation because of illness.  I made a couple calls this afternoon and will continue my contacting until I have reached everyone for the reschedule.  On a lighter note, the Halloween party was one of the best ever.  Thank you to Mrs. Ringenbach and all the parents who joined her in putting on this party.  Mrs. Ringenbach certainly has a knack for this sort of thing.  Also, could the children have been any more well behaved?  I am so proud of their cooperation and respect for one another.  You should be very proud parents!
     Now for another busy week:
Writing:  Ready or not, this is publication week.  We have worked for so long on our stories, I feel everyone is as ready as they are able to be for publication!
Math:  Our week begins with the Chapter 5 math test over subtraction.  Please review these reminders with your child before our test:  (Sorry for the error - "Difference" means answer for subtraction.)

We will have an extra math session in the afternoon to begin chapter 6 and to review money/coins and their value.  Please do lots of money counting every evening this week.  Students must be fluent in counting money by Friday!
Reading:  We will concentrate on some one day skills such as knowing whether the narrator of a book is in or out of the story, understanding the author's purpose in writing the story, and how the title of a story relates to the main idea of the story.
Science:  We will study the life cycles of both a flowering and cone bearing plant.
S. Studies:  Chapter 7 is a study of government.  It is a short chapter as it is introductory to the next chapter which talks about government in more detail.  Plan to see a study guide and test over chapter 7 at the beginning of next week.

Important Events:
Mon.- Library, Ch. 5 math test, Sappington Baked Goods Pottery Week;
Tues.- Rams Service Learning, SPTG at 6:45;
Wed.- Food Art Chef Day for third grade;
Thurs.- School Store;  
Fri. - Possible study guide coming home for S. Studies test next Tuesday (tentative.)

Please Note:  If you have not yet returned the music concert note, please do so as soon as possible so that we can get a good idea of how many children will be attending the concert on Monday, Dec. 9th.  Thanks for your help in the matter!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Thank you, Mrs. Ringenbach, for organizing  such a great party.  Wow!  It was one of the best ever!  Thanks to everyone who sent food and to those who were present to help run the games.  What team work!  I just can't say enough about the party!  I hope you enjoy the pics!