Sunday, November 10, 2013

Weekly Update 11/11/13 - 11/15/13

     We have a very packed week to which we can look forward.  We begin tomorrow with the Veteran's Day Assembly, have Evaluate testing and Early Release in the middle of the week, and end the week with a narrative writing celebration.  So as you can see, we will be busy, busy, busy!
Here is a what we will be doing in our subjects:
Writing - Many students are finished publishing their stories and are having fun writing something new.  Others are trying to get published before our big celebration at the end of the week.
Math - The class is doing a great job on money.  Keep counting away!  Tomorrow we will learn how to count change and will continue to subtract large amounts of money as an extension of our subtraction unit. We will test on Wednesday over counting equivalent sets of money, comparing the value of sets of money, counting change, and subtraction of large amounts of money.
Reading - At the beginning of this week we are preparing for the November reading Evaluate test by going over the October test.  (We did this on Friday as well.)  We will take the reading Evaluate on Tuesday during reading time.  After that we will use some class time to write our November reading response letter. On Friday, we will launch a nonfiction unit of study which will line up with our next writing unit.  We are currently reading nonfiction books in our reading groups as well.
Science - We will review what we have learned about plants on Monday and Tuesday and then take a test on Thursday.  Students will bring home their books so that they can study the chapter review pages before taking the test.
S. Studies - We will work on our study guide on Monday and review and finish our Rights and Responsibility Project for the rest of the week.  Our test will be Friday.

Important Events:
Mon. - Library, Veteran's Day Assembly;
Tues. - Reading Evaluate Test;
Wed. - Early Release Day, Chapter 6 math test;
Thurs. - Writing Celebration Day, Math Evaluate Test, Science test;
Fri. - Buddy Day (I Think!), S. Studies Test;

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