Sunday, November 3, 2013

Weekly Update 11/4/13 - 11/8/13

     Last week was quite the whirlwind with conferences and a Halloween party.  (Please view party pics I put up on the blog on Friday!)  I have six conferences to reschedule due to my cancellation because of illness.  I made a couple calls this afternoon and will continue my contacting until I have reached everyone for the reschedule.  On a lighter note, the Halloween party was one of the best ever.  Thank you to Mrs. Ringenbach and all the parents who joined her in putting on this party.  Mrs. Ringenbach certainly has a knack for this sort of thing.  Also, could the children have been any more well behaved?  I am so proud of their cooperation and respect for one another.  You should be very proud parents!
     Now for another busy week:
Writing:  Ready or not, this is publication week.  We have worked for so long on our stories, I feel everyone is as ready as they are able to be for publication!
Math:  Our week begins with the Chapter 5 math test over subtraction.  Please review these reminders with your child before our test:  (Sorry for the error - "Difference" means answer for subtraction.)

We will have an extra math session in the afternoon to begin chapter 6 and to review money/coins and their value.  Please do lots of money counting every evening this week.  Students must be fluent in counting money by Friday!
Reading:  We will concentrate on some one day skills such as knowing whether the narrator of a book is in or out of the story, understanding the author's purpose in writing the story, and how the title of a story relates to the main idea of the story.
Science:  We will study the life cycles of both a flowering and cone bearing plant.
S. Studies:  Chapter 7 is a study of government.  It is a short chapter as it is introductory to the next chapter which talks about government in more detail.  Plan to see a study guide and test over chapter 7 at the beginning of next week.

Important Events:
Mon.- Library, Ch. 5 math test, Sappington Baked Goods Pottery Week;
Tues.- Rams Service Learning, SPTG at 6:45;
Wed.- Food Art Chef Day for third grade;
Thurs.- School Store;  
Fri. - Possible study guide coming home for S. Studies test next Tuesday (tentative.)

Please Note:  If you have not yet returned the music concert note, please do so as soon as possible so that we can get a good idea of how many children will be attending the concert on Monday, Dec. 9th.  Thanks for your help in the matter!

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